Friday 28 November 2014

Dr Sudhansu Kumar Dash

Trust is the most poetic experience of life. The basic   necessity for trust is that one should not be burden with beliefs and it is trust that creates miracle not beliefs. It is the source of all miracles. It is the fact that to destroy one’s trust is to destroy the man. A man is brought up in some religion or the other, may be Hindu, and may be a Christian, a Mahammedan or a Jew. All these diseases have the same quality of destroying one’s trust. Because one is brought up in one of these so called religions, one is told a number of words about them, but the fact is that those are words, told to somebody, not one’s experiences. They are false that never tally with one’s understanding, intelligence, or intuition. Still one is to believe them because everybody believes them and not to believe them creates a fear of facing many kinds of troubles in the society.
People find it easy to move with the crowd with a fear that not moving with them would make the crowd quite crude and primitive. The crowd respects people only if they are obedient to it, it its superstitions and it is also an weakness in everybody that they want to be respected. This natural instinct to be respected is therefore exploited. A natural desire to live comfortable is a life easy to be exploited. One who revolts against it , against the superstitions , one is to struggle continuously against the whole society ;with the neighbors , against the teachers, against the priests, even against the family members .One’s life would be a chaos and nobody wants to make life a chaos.
The natural longing of man not to make life chaotic is easily exploited and the best way to exploit one is by giving beliefs that always remain superficial. All beliefs are nothing empty words, and one goes on carrying those empty words the whole life these beliefs are not going to help one’s growth. On the contrary these beliefs remain empty for the whole life, deep down with a settled suspicion .The whole life with a belief and the hands are empty, the heart is empty.
Naturally one is to live in one of the so called religion –may be Hindu, Christian or Mohammedan-but absolutely superficial having no authenticity. The trick behind it is very simple .They people have substituted belief in place of trust.
Trust is something that grows in man not imposed upon .It blossoms, grows, and releases its fragrance but once one has accepted the beliefs as trust; one will never try to find its distinction. When there is the trust, one is a Buddha, not a Buddhist, a Christ but not a Christian. Beliefs make one a Buddhist or a Christian but trust makes one a Buddha or a Christ and when one can be a Buddha then why to be a Buddhist? Being a Buddhist means one is avoiding being a Buddha, avoiding enlightenment. Being a Christian means one is avoiding being a Christ because one is afraid of a crucifixition .One has got an easy way to escape by being a Buddhist or a Christian. If every teacher is honest, every parent is honest, than there will only be Buddhas , there will only be Christs , not Buddhists , not Christians.   No Buddhist can ever get enlightenment, only a Buddha can. So a single insight is needed that is to drop all the borrowed ideas, all borrowed knowledge totally not in installments but instantly. Fear will come out of emptiness but only in that emptiness the great miracle can happen.
 Lecturer in English
Shreedhara Swamy college of Education and Technology


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