Sunday 23 November 2014


Dr Sudhansu Dash

There are very few fortunate who are under the open sky but almost all of the total humanity is inside our self created room and look at the world to see the whole world through a small hole inside the room which is impossible. This is how we look at things. The truth is not far away for those who sincerely long for it. It is not far away but it is arduous. It is hard to achieve, not because of its nature but because of our investments in lies. We have invested for lives and lives in lies. Our investment is so much that the very idea of truth makes us frightened. So we want to avoid the truth and escape from the truth. Lies are beautiful escapes convenient and comfortable dreams but dreams are dreams. They can enchant you for the moment but only for the moment and each dream is followed by tremendous frustration, each dream is followed by tremendous failure. Still we go on rushing into new lies , substituting one lie for the other if all lies are known , we immediately invent new lies. It should be remembered that only lies are invented. Truth cannot be invented .Truth is already there. Truth has to be discovered, ot invented. Mind feels very good with lies because mind is the inventor of lies, the doer. As the mind is the doer, ego is created. With truth mind has nothing to do and because mind has nothing to do mind therefore seizes and with the mind, ego disappears. This is the risk, the ultimate risk.
This fact is very simple but we fail to understand it because we are not simple. To understand it one need a heart because heart is always simple as heart cannot be intellectual by its very nature. A simple heart can understand a simple truth. The centre where the intelligence exists ,the candle can be lighted, not at the periphery. This candling can not be done by words because words are a dangerous game because they communicate at the periphery but silence communes the totality. When a word is communicated ,the meaning remains with the speaker and the listener will give it his own meaning and his own colour according to his own preoccupation of mind .It is not certain therefore that the fact that is meant to be communicated will certainly be something different with the receiver. So the meaning of the fact is definite to be changed. If this happens in the ordinary mundane communication, what will happen to the words of the spiritual plain? Certainly a spiritual communication through words is quite impossible. So what that is needed is not communication but communion that is through silence. One can distort a language but one cannot distort a silence. One may understand a silence or may not understand, but one cannot misunderstand it because there is nothing in it to misunderstand .That is the beauty of silence. With words the case is just the opposite. Is is very natural either not to understand or misunderstand through a mind but I case of silent communion the mind is useless and loses its existence to misunderstand.
Everything is joined with everything with an undercurrent silently in the whole existence. A grass leaf joins the star .To destroy a leaf is to destroy something of immense value in existence. There is no hierarchy in existence as there is nothing small or big in it .It knows no difference .The greatest star ad the smallest leaf exist as equals. It is all virtuous . Even if we fid something which is not a virtue , it is only because of our misunderstanding .   Whatsoever happens here, happens rightly. The wrong never happens. It only appears wrong to one only because one has a certain idea of what right is. When one looks without any prejudices, nothing is wrong here. Ugly is right and beauty is right. One is just to enjoy it as to how beautifully it is ugly. Because our mind is small our comprehension is small .We cannot see because we are looking through a small whole and therefore see a small part of the total. So the problem lies with us not with the phenomenon at all. One moment it was not there, next moment it is there and the next moment it is gone forever. That is how we are looking at existence. We say something is in the future that comes into the present ad then it is gone into the past. In fact time is a human invention. It is always ‘now’ Existence knows no past o future .It knows only the present, but we are standing behind a key whole ad looking at them. As something suddenly appears ,it disappears too, we create time. Before the thing appeared it was there but for us it was in future ,then it appeared  ad we say it to in present, the thing is gone that we cannot see any more through the small whole what we say to be past .

Nothing is past, nothing future , all is  always present ,but our way of looking at is limited. Hence we go on asking why there is misery I this world. Why there is this ad that in this world. If we can look out of the whole, all these ‘whys’ would disappear. But to look out of the whole one is to come out of the room. This is what our mind is ,a small key whole, very small as compared to the vast existence. We get attached to the tiny fragment of the truth  but if we see the whole, everything is airtight. Nothing exists wrong. Only God exists ,devil is man’s creation , but the problem is that God is wrongly associated with the idea of a person. God is a law ,a presence not a person. He is the greatest theist who knows god is a presence not a person and by personifying God ,we look it through a hole and the whole problem starts. ‘That which is ‘ is the meaning of the word God. One who wants to know God is one is to  discipline oneself in many ways . To discipline oneself simply means the capacity to know ,the availability to know that is to be available to drop all prejudices ,to put the mind aside , and to look into the matter without any prejudice. When mind disappears, the ego disappears, then what remains? Something certainly remains but it cannot be called something .it is nothing means ‘No-Thing’. The ultimate law is not a thing. It is not an object to be observed. It is one’s interiority. It is the truth which is subjective. This is the difference between fact and truth. A fact is an objective thing . Science goes on searching more and more facts and science will ever arrive the truth. It can not because truth is the very  interiority of the scientist, but the scientist never looks at it. He observes other things but he never observes himself. Truth is never a thing , a hypothesis. It is always a experience, hence one’s truth is not another’s truth, cannot be of others.

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