No Child is
born with a Mind

Dr Sudhansu Kumar Dash
No child is born with a mind. A
child is born with a brain. Brain is the mechanism and mind is simply the ideology,
the ideology which brain is fed by the society .Every society creates a mind
according to its own conditioning. This is the reason why there are so many
minds in this world, like a Hindu mind, a Christian mind, a Buddhist mind, a
Communist mind. One is separate from the other.
A great fallacy is created by the
society in the individual that the mind is yours. It has been created so only
because the individual is to act according to the society, but feeling as if he
is functioning on his own which is the most cunning device of the society.
Something basic
to be remembered is that whatever it might be –your mind is not yours. One must
accept it authentically or one must help oneself for a self deception. There is
no other alternative open to him. One’s mind is an implantation of the society
in which one has accidentally been born. If one is born in a Hindu home, but
immediately transferred to a Mohammedan family and brought up there, one would
have the same mind and would have a totally different mind that one can’t
conceive of.
Bettrand Russell ,the outstanding
genius of 21st century tried hard to get rid of the Christian mind,
not because it was Christian, but simply because it was given to him by others.
He wanted to have a fresh look of his own about things, or through somebody
else’s glasses. He wanted to have a direct and immediate contact with the
reality. It is not actually a question of being any sect like a Christian mind
or a Hindu mind or a Buddhist mind because he would have done the same as he
wanted to do to a mind fed by a Christian society. The question is whether the
mind is your own or implanted by others. It is certain that the mind implanted
by others in you will never serve you but serve their purposes. Russell tried
hard and wrote a book why I Am Not A
Christian. To one of his friends he wrote a letter that although he did not
believe that he is a Christian as he had dropped that mind, still deep down he
is a Christian unconsciously.
The society cultivates it with
such acumen; with such craftsmanship that one can never think about it. A man
lives the most seventy-five years, and forty –five years he has to be in schools,
colleges, university; one third of the mind is devoted in cultivating a certain
mind. Russell might have failed because he had no knowledge of how to get rid
of it. He was fighting but groping in the dark. He was certainly fighting with
one half of the mind against the other half and both are Christian.
One of the most important
scientific contributions of Delgado is that he has found seven hundred centers
in the brain and each centre is capable of containing immense quantity of
knowledge .it is just like recording ad his experiments are very shocking. He
touches a certain centre I the brain with a electrode ,and the man starts
speaking but when the electrode is take away the man stops speaking .He puts
the electrode back o the same centre , and the man starts speaking again but
from the very beginning. Wherever you leave him, it makes no difference. So
some automatic process I the mind is discovered. Some electrodes can be
implanted in the mind, permanently, and it can be controlled from faraway by some
remote control. It was experimented by Delgado in Spain in a bull fight in
planting an electrode in the mind of the toughest bull and stood in the field
in showing a red flag. The bull rushed towards him ferociously but when the
bull was about to attack, he pushed the button and the bull stopped, just
frozen. On experiment sake, he did the same for many times and the same thing
This discovery of Delgado can
either become a blessing to humanity or a curse, sooner or later. Every child’s
mind can be easily implanted with an electrode. In making so one will get very
obedient people, no rebel, no revolutionary but the whole charm of life will be
gone. People will be simply vegetables ad scientifically enslaved .They cannot
know it because the remote control unit may be in the hands of the capitalist
or in the hands of the government. It can be useful as criminals can be prevented ,murderers can
be prevented ,thieves can be checked
rapists can be transformed-but the danger is that anybody who is in power can
make the whole country just a crowd of slaves.
Inside the skull where the brain
is there is o sensitivity. Even a stone is put inside one’s skull; one can ever
know it as one does not have the sensitive nerves there which can inform.
Delgado’s mechanism is scientific, but society has been doing the same by
planting ideas. Thanks to those revolutionaries who have escaped this strategic
implantation of ideas by the society because a few rebels are still born, who
have given all scientific progress, who have changed all superstitions.
The very fact is that the society
always wants a child to be a carbon copy, not original. The strategy to create
a mind in a child is to go on repeating certain things continuously and eve if
a lie is repeated continuously it starts becoming a truth. The child forgets
that it was a lie in the beginning.
Adolf Hitler did the same thing,
started lying to the German people that all the misery of their country is
because if the Jews which is quite absurd a thing as one will say that all the
misery of the country is because of bicycles. So if we destroy all the
bicycles, all the misery will disappear. In fact the Jews were the very
backbone of Germany. They had created all the wealth of Germany .They had o
other nation, so any nation, where they were, was their nation. They had no
other alternative in their mind, so they could not betray, and they had been
doing all the things that another German was doing for the welfare of the
I his autobiography Adolf Hitler
writes,”it does not matter what you say, because there is no such thing as
truth. Truth is a lie that has been repeated so often that you have forgotten
that it is a lie.”So the only difference between truth and lie is that the lie
is fresh and truth is old; otherwise there is no difference. It is a fact that
if one repeats anything to people, they will slowly and slowly start believing it
if it has been repeated for centuries, it has become a heritage. All religions of the world have adopted the
same strategy, a conspiracy against a child born with no mind. Christianity, Hinduism
,Mohammedanism ,all the three religions repeat to their children ,’There is
God’ where as Buddhism , Jainism Taoism,
the other there religions say ,’There is o God ‘The first group of three
religion have a certain mind .Their whole life is filled with the idea of god,
hell heaven prayer etc; and the second group of the three religions has no
prayer because there is nobody to pray to as there is no God. The communists
even does not believe in the soul of a man and every child is continuously told
that man is a matter and when a man dies he simply dies ,nothing
remains .consciousness is a by –product of the body. So the mind is certainly not
your mind, it is not young also; it is centuries old. Therefore every society
is afraid of a thinker who creates doubts about the concept of mind .One’s
search should be to find one’s own mind and not under somebody’ impact. There
is the TRUTH but, with this mind one cannot know it .Not because mind has its
limitation (as preached by different religions) but because this mind is full
of lies repeated for century after century. One will find the truth when one
will put this mind completely aside ad look at existence with fresh eyes, like
a new born child. Then whatever one experiences is truth. If one remains
constantly alert not to allow others to interfere with one’s inner growth,
there comes a moment when one becomes so attuned with existence one experiences
the truth.
To have one’s own mind in the
world is the richest thing possible. But no society allows it; every society
keeps one poor. The people those who are in power ,either through money or through
politics or through religion or through knowledge ,or for any other reason ,do
not want people to have their own mind because it is dangerous to their
interests. They want not men but sheep, not individuals but crowds, who are
always in need of being led, who are always in need of being told what to do and
what not to do, and who do not have their own minds. Any deviation from the
norm in any society, there are people who we call mad, but they are not mad
.They are not simply not agreeing with the madness of the mass.
When one feels existence immediately, without
any mediator, with no mind given by anybody else, one tastes something which
transforms, which makes one enlightened, which brings one to the highest peak
of consciousness.
Dr Sudhansu Kumar Dash
Lecturer –in- English
Shreedhara Swami College of Edn & Tech
Sadangi ,Dhenkanal,Odisha,India.
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