Sunday 23 November 2014


Dr Sudhansu Kumar Dash

The modern man is thought to be suffering from a number of problems and if one goes deep into it one will certainly see that the root of all the problems is sex.If at all it is the root of all problems, it needs  a debate t. Actually sex is not the problem, sexuality is the problem. Sex is the energy. How could energy be a problem?  One should not call it sexual energy because it is the only energy of creation.
Sex is the only energy that we have got. This energy can be transformed to a higher energy, The higher this energy moves the less and less sexuality remains in it .At the peak it becomes simply love and compassion and the ultimate flowering  which one may call it divine energy. The energy that we call sex at the bottom is divine at the peak.
The important thing about energy to be understood is that energy cannot be divided .When one divides energy the problem is instantly created. A dualism is created , then the conflict and the struggle .This is the most fundamental thing about energy. When one divides energy, one is divided within. Then one will be for or against sex.Once call the energy X.We call this unknown energy  sex only as a biological reproduction force, but when it is freed from biological bondage ,once it becomes non-physical it is divine .It is the love ,the compassion.
The whole problem lies with the man is that, man tries to kill this energy. All the religious sects try to do the same. they all are obsessed with killing the energy or suppressing the energy .All have been trying so for thousands of years but unsuccessful. The problem persists as it is .No energy can be killed. It can only be transformed There is no way to destroy energy. It can only be transformed to a new realm or dimension. No energy can be created or destroyed. The scientists agree to this point that not even a single atom can be destroyed.
Therefore the more one fights with sex ,the more one suppresses ,the more sexual one becomes. In this state sex moves deeper into the unconscious and poisons the whole being. The religions who try to  suppress sex become more obsessed with sexing their deep unconsciousness. They cannot pray, they cannot meditate because whenever they do sex comes in. They think that devil is playing the trick,but no devil. It is none but the suppressed sex, the energy.
Neither repression nor indulgence is the solution. To indulge in sex again becomes a new obcession.From one pole the mind moves to the other pole and the disease remained the same. Both are sick attitude. So, sex has to be transformed, neither repressed nor indulged madly. The only possible solution to transform sex is to be in deep meditative awareness about the energy. In this meditative awareness the quality of the energy changes .The energy which moves into sexual experience starts moving towards consciousness, and one will start realizing that it is not sex that gives one bliss and ecstasy rather it is a thoughtless state of the mind a moments blissful state that one attain   s in the peak of sexual orgasm. Once one knows that the same phenomenon can happen without sex, and then sex will be needed less and less. A moment will come when sex will not be needed at all, but the same blissful state will permanently be there. So sex disappears in a state of alert passivity not by destroying it but by remaining alert to it. Then one becomes only loving and loving without any reason.
Love is a sexless phenomenon and a person who is sexual cannot love .his love is just hypercritic ,just a means towards sex,a technique towards sex.The solution to the problem is not to suppress sex but to transcend sex and become non-sexual .The energy moving within becomes auto ecstatic.

Shreedhar Swamy College of Education&Technology


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