Dr Sudhansu Kumar
For about five thousand years man
has been philosophizing about each and every thing: about the beginning, about
the middle and end of everything but a single question has not yet been solved.
Philosophy has proved itself to be most futile of efforts, still man continues
,knowing perfectly well that it never delivers anything but ever goes on promising.
It is quite strange as to why does man continue with this effort.
The answer to this is that it is
quite easy to philosophize, requiring no sincere involvement, as it is not a
commitment. One can sit and go on thinking and does not require that one should
change the thinking so as to see the reality. Philosophy escapes there where
courage is needed: an adventurous courage. To know the truth, one is to move
the greatest adventure there is. Who knows: one may be lost and never come back
or come back utterly changed and who knows whether it will be for good or not.
The journey is unknown, so
unknown that one cannot even plan it. One is to take a jump into the unknown
blindfolded in a dark night, with no map, without knowing where one is going
and for what one is going for in this existential quest. Even once, if one has
got the taste of life, one will forget all nonsense of character, virtue,
respectability etc. One can continue to live in a respectable way if one has
not yet connected with life.
Life is a radical phenomenon and
the taste comes instantly .Once one tastes it one is transformed. The taste transforms,
but a seeing –mind is needed to taste that joy –a mind that is not burdened
with all these nonsense languages of philosophies, mind which is open.
None this is the problem with the
people, who are attached to philosophies, scriptures, languages or theories.
The fact is that their eyes are lost behind curtains layers upon layers. All
these curtains are to be removed, then one can have a seeing mind .Right now,
whatsoever one has is a non-seeing mind which only pretends and believes that
it sees but actually not. It is why Jesus said again and again to see it if one
has eyes. He was talking to people who were not blind but why did he insist again
and again? The ‘if ‘here is very important because people appear to have eyes
and yet they don’t have. This appearance is very dangerous, because they go on
believing that they have eyes.
Language is the greatest curtain.
Has anybody looked at anything without thoughts coming in ,interfering and
interpreting? Has anybody ever seen a flower without language coming in to say
that it is a beautiful flower? The moment one says that it is a beautiful flower;
the curtain is pulled over the eyes. Language is a judgment and with the
judgment comes all prejudices. The whole past comes with the judgment, and
whenever the past comes one is removed from the present. Only without a
language ,one can only have a seeing mind, vision of the reality. Whenever one
is sitting, moving, walking, talking ,one should try again and again to remain
with the real –the uninterpreated, the unjudged
real. Slowly and slowly the door will open and a few moments shall start
coming to one which are not moments of mind .They are the non-linguistic
visions of reality.
Shreedhar Swamy
College of Education and Technology
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