Dr Sudhansu Kumar
Researchers over the past few years suggest that certain
states of consciousness brought about by meditation techniques appear to evoke specific brain power patterns. These
states are now being created by electronic stimulation in the brain or can
be learned by bio feedback techniques .The traditional meditative state of
sitting silently but quietly alert is composed of bilatrral,synchronous
altra‘waves&.deeper mediation has bilateral ‘theta ‘ waves. A state called
lucid awareness has the bilateral synchronous ‘alfa’and ‘theta ‘waves of deep
meditation and the ‘beta’ waves of normal thought process. Lucid meditation can
be learned through biofeedback technique, using modern equipments. But is there
any technique beyond the technological techniques?
It is a very complex question to be answered. One of the
most fundamental thing about meditation is that no technique leads to meditation.
All the age old so-called techniques may be there or the scientific but are the
same as meditation is concerned. The fact is that meditation is not the by
product of any technique. Meditation happens beyond mind as no technique can go
beyond mind. There is a great misunderstanding in the scientific circle. The basis
of misunderstanding is that when a
person is in a state of meditation, it creates certain waves in the mind but
these waves will not create meditation and this is the misunderstanding. By
creating the waves one can see the happenings in the mind but not
the happenings inside. There are sophisticated scientific instruments to judge
as to what kind of waves are there in the sleeping,dreaming and in meditation.
By creating waves one cannot create the situations because these waves are only
symptoms and indications. So one should not be under illusion that there is no
technique to meditation; scientific or otherwise. Meditation is simply an
understanding. It is not a question of sitting silently, not a question of
chanting a mantra, no biofeedback at all. It is a question of understanding the
subtle workings of the mind. As one
understands the workings of the mind, a great awareness arises in which one is
not of the mind. The awareness arises in one’s Being. So mind is only a
mechanism and when the awareness arises it is bound to create a certain energy pattern
around it. Meditation is not a question of cause and effect .The waves in the
mind are not the cause of meditation, on the contrary they are the effects .
But from the effect one can not move towards the cause. It is possible that by biofeedback one can create
certain pattern of the mind, that can give one the feelings of peace, silence
and serenity. Because one does not know what meditation is ,one may be misled
by it in believing that this is meditation, but not. When the moment the
biofeedback technique is stopped the
waves disappear and all silence, peace and serenity disappear. The procedure of this technique is
not going to change anything in the being and one remains the same.
Meditation transforms one to higher levels of consciousness.
It changes one’s reaction into responses to such an extent that a person’s
anger in the same situation shall change him into a compassionate one and
loving one .Meditation is a state of being arrived through understanding. It
needs intelligence, not
technique .There is no technique that can give one
intelligence otherwise all the idiots would have been changed into geniuses
For centuries the so-called gurus have been cheating the humanity,
but in future instead of gurus ,the guru machines will cheat humanity.
Certainly in chanting the mantras cantinously,one creates energy field of a
certain wave length ,but man remains the same because it is only the surface. A
pebble thrown to silent water creates ripples on the surface and moves on the
whole surface but waves never touch the depth of the lake. The depth is
completely unaware of what is happening on the surface what are seen on the
surface are quite illusory. One thinks that the ripples are moving, but the
truth is that nothing are moving. Putting a small flower on the water after
throwing the pebble, one can be surprised to
see that the flower is not moving
but in the same place. the waves are not moving actually but the water is going
up and down on the same place creating an illusion of the movement. The depth
of the lake is completely unaware of the waves . So meditation by any technique
is never going to change the depth of the character.
One cannot deceive a meditator because the meditator can see that these patterns appear in the mind, may be peace, silence
,tranquility or serenity. No technique can deceive the meditator because no technique
can give him the understanding of the workings
of the mind.
Understanding arises by becoming a mirror, a mirror of all
that goes on in the mind. A meditator has to be just a mirror and to be just a
mirror means just to be aware of all the cunning ways of the mind so that the
mind is put aside. The mind is no longer between the Being and Existence and
the door is opened.
Lecturer in English
Shreedhar Swamy
College of Education &Technology
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