Saturday 29 November 2014

The chemistry of love
 Dr Sudhansu Dash
Love is always enough unto itself. When love is not ordinary not a biological instinct, it is not a part of the ego. When it is not a purpose to dominate the other, it is just a pure joy of being happy and rejoicing in the being of the other for no reason at all. An awareness will follow this pure love like a shadow following the body. Furthermore it is that one need not be worried about the awareness whether it follows or not as it is natural but to follow.
There are only two ways if love ,either  one is aware of it so that love follows as a shadow or one becomes so loving that awareness comes o its own accord. No botheration is needed because if one side is sincerely there, the other side cannot escape, It is bound to come.
There are two people who cannot love because their upbringings, their culture, their society have so killed their very capacity to love that their hearts have become stones. The fact is that this society is not running by love but cunningness under the veil. To succeed in this world one does not need love, but a heart and a sharp mind .In fact one does not need a heart at all. The whole society is managed in such a way that every child start losing the heart, and his energy starts moving directly towards the head, the heart is ignored. Even if one falls I love, one has to find reasons to have fallen in love. When one falls in love, one is just to satisfy the idiots around him that one is not a fool as it has been calculated in every way and then the step is taken.
Nobody hears the heart and the mind is chattering, so continuously chattering that even if the heart sometimes says something, but it never reaches suit cannot reach. Slowly and slowly the heart stops saying anything. Not heard again and again, ignored again and again, it falls silent.
The head runs the show I the society, otherwise, we would have lived totally in a different world-more loving, no hate, no war. The heart will ever give support to any destructive method to be evolved. The heart will ever be in service of death. It is life-it overflows for life, it always beats for life.
Because of the whole conditioning of the society, the method of awareness has to be chosen. Otherwise love is the most short cut way, the most natural-so easy that it is possible even for a small child. It needs no training, no effort because we are born with the quality of it, if it is not corrupted by others.
One will be surprised t o know that the English word ‘love ‘comes from a very ugly root in Sanskrit. It comes from ‘lobh’ means greed. And as far ordinary love is concerned, it is a kind of greed. That’s why there are people who love money, people who love houses, who loves this, who loves that. Even if their love for a man or a woman is greed; as they want to possesses everything beautiful. it is a power trip. Hence one will find lovers fighting to possess the other. Now love is a question of who has power, who is more dominant, whose voice is heard.
There is a continuous fight for domination. Love cannot exist in such circumstances. The man is fighting in this world for all kinds of ambition. The woman is fighting the man because she is afraid if her husband having affairs with other women. She is jealous, suspicious and wants to be sure that her man is in her contrail. In the house there is a fighting for domination of one upon the other. Then who is going to love? Where the flower of love would blossom?

The power of love will blossom when one has the capacity to be alone. The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical It is an existential truth. Only those people who are capable of being alone are capable to love of sharing, of going into the deepest part of the other person without possessing the other, without being dependent upon the other, reducing the other into a thing, without being addicted to the other. They give the other an absolute freedom because they know the other wants to live as happy as they are. Here the happiness cannot be taken away by the other because it is not given by the other. Hear love is not a need, it is a luxury. They both enjoy a sharing, a pouring into the other and create a harmony. Here there is no ego, no effort to dominate. Here one is humble , trying not to be a somebody but ready to be a nobody.

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