Wednesday 26 November 2014

Dr Sudhansu Kumar Dash
 “The Beyond “can be approached in two ways; one is aggressive and active, the other is receptive and passive. The first approach is the masculine approach and the second is a feminine approach. The male mind seeks and searches the , the entity beyond, we may say God or anything else, as if it is somewhere else and is to be discovered, but the feminine mind trusts that when it is ready, God will come to it. It is God, who is to come, not the seeker who goes to God.
It is also a fact that how can we seek God? We do not know Him, neither His address nor His direction and even if we come across Him, how are we going to recognize Him? Recognisation is possible only when one has known somebody before.
All search in a way is futile therefore, atheism has become very predominant in this world. It is the aggressive search of the male mind which is a failure so that atheism has become so prevalent .In the West atheism has become the greatest religion because the West is male oriented as if to search God is a fighting to conquer. In the west the result of this effort is that god has completely disapprared.That is why Nietzsche declared that “god is dead”. No doubt Nietzsche is the very essence of a male mind with tremendous will power to dominate. In the masculine approach the very approach becomes a barrier to it.
The feminine approach is that it is not that you pray to Him; it is that He is praying to you. One is just to listen and be passive to accept Him. The profound truth to be understood is that man cannot seek god only God can seek man and man can do just one thing that is not to escape from Him. Just by being available to Him one’s work is over and God will penetrate into you. This let Him be is a receptivity, a welcoming and this is feminine.
A Buddha is a feminine approach; a Jesus is a feminine approach. Buddha went on seeking for six years with the male –oriented approach but futile .The day he renounced the searching and seeking also, seeing the futility of it, he became a feminine. That night he relaxed under at the Buddhi tree, and there is nothing to do now just become a lover, not a doer and got enlightened .This enlightenment happened in a deeply feminine state of mind.
 Man is a doer, and woman is a lover There is nothing to do and one is just meditate over it .When there is nothing to do the world is finished and there is nothing to find. Even the spiritual search is gone. When there is nothing to seek, there is no desire, when there is no desire; there is no thought, and no ego. The ego cannot exist because it exists as a doer. In that moment, future is disappeared. What is the point of having a future when one is not going to do something? The future is needed as a space to project the desires. Future disappears and time disappears. When one is not a doer what is the use of time? No desire, no future, no time.
In fact what proves futile is the male oriented mind, the mind of the doer. So it needs to be a feminine, not physically but psychologically because woman is receptive and patient from which comes her strength. When one is a doer one exhausts oneself. A man and a woman making love, man exhausts himself but woman is enriched, nourished because she is a receptive end. That is why woman is suppressed all over the world. If they are not suppressed, man would be killed as it is impossible for any man to satisfy any woman. Modern research now agrees with the fact that when man has one orgasm, woman has multiple orgasms as she is the receiving end, when man is the losing end.
To be a feminine means to be passive but it does not mean to be lazy. To be lazy is also as to be active because in his mind he goes on doing. This passivity does not mean inactivity; it means a very expectant patience, a very alive patience, very active patience. Passivity is not dullness, it is fully alive, the reservoir, full of energy but not going anywhere, not going for any search, just waiting for the beloved. That is why no woman takes any initiative in love affairs and the moment she takes it, she is losing her womanhood somehow. They wait for the initiative to come from man. Not that she does not love rather she loves tremendously that no man can love that deeply-but she waits. She trusts that things will happen in their right time and that is the feminine beauty. She is ready to dissolve at any moment but not aggressive. is is prayer and one’s  becoming available to the beyond.
Lecturer in English
Shreedhara Swamy college of Education and Technology

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