Defamiliarising the Reality
Dr.Sudhansu Kumar
Unreality is not a great hindrance
as the belief in reality. A continuous belief in reality has become a habit in
us so we miss the reality. When we think that we miss we search and that is
that we have not really missed the reality. The ultimate is not far away, it is
not a distance. It is near us, close, closer than we are to ourselves but still
we go on missing it for millions of lives. Unless this habit if missing is
broken ,the closest remains the most distant and the reality remains as a myth,
just a myth, a theory, a doctrine ,a belief, but never an experience.
No belief is going to help one,
unless the divine is an experience. On the contrary it hinders one, because
just by believing in it one deceives oneself that one has known it. The belief
becomes the deception and never an opening for the reality. Belief makes one
knowledgeable without knowing it,a feeling of knowledge without any intimate
experience of it. If one believes, one stops seeking because one has already
taken it for granted. But the search without belief is a different search. One
will have to pass through a mutation of dying and reborning until the seed dies.
So belief becomes a barrier. It gives a false assurance that one has known-and
that is all that one has got. Belief is borrowed thing from others. This
creates such a situation that the ignorance will familiarize itself as real.
Sometimes it happens that the
closest is so obvious that one can forget it .The nearest is so near that one
cannot look at it because to look at something a certain distance is needed, a
certain space is needed and the fact is that there is no space between you and
the reality. Certainly reality is not an object of any search, it is the very subjectivity.
One starts searching for it somewhere it will not be found anywhere.Rightnow
one is sitting in it, breathing it, breathing in it and through it. This is to
be continuously remembered, constantly remembered because the moment one
forgets it the whole search becomes futile one starts looking somewhere. The
fact is that the very center of one’s being is the very center of the reality.
Reality does not exist as an
object and whatsoever theologicians say, are absolutely wrong. One cannot
worship it because it is hidden in the worshipper one cannot pray because it is
hidden there from where the prayer arises, one cannot seek it without because
it is one’s whiteness. The search here is qualitatively different because this
search in a way is a no- search, and this seeking in a way is a no-seeking.
. When one has lost the center
and one is bound to believe and follow others. One shall become the part of the
crowd any so called religion sect when one is not himself .When you are not yourself,
you need some organizations, some cult, and creed to hide yourself under its
blanket. Adam committed the sin and man is guilty the sin, Jesus suffers for
man and the sin is forgiven. So the whole deal is between Adam and Jesus man is
nothing than just being a puppet. The idea is entirely absurd.
This guilt feeling is to be
entirely dropped first because one is never a sinner at all. Whatsoever one
is the existence accepts him. It does
not mean that there is nothing wrong in man one does not need any
transformation. One needs transformation because there are many wrongs but
these wrongs are not sins, they are illness and disease. So remaining at the
center of one’s own being ,accepting one as it is not condemning , one could
defamiliarise the reality .There is no other way.
Lecturer in English
Shreedhara Swamy
college of Education and Technology
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