Meeting the ultimate

Dr Sudhansu Dash
When one is really honest
oneself, not even doing the slightest injustice to one’s own, one can
understand that an idea about truth stands as the greatest obstacle on the way
to know the truth. An idea is always a borrowed one and one should not be illusioned
of an idea to be one’s own. If one thinks of that the idea is one’s own, one
should be sure of the fact that it is the outcome of the mind which is a bundle
of ideas that a man has inherited from the other in a society. The root is
false because an idea is false. Truth is that what one faces moment to moment
with a un- pre-occupied mind. Even the idea about the permanency of truth is
false because it is an idea. It is our interpretation about truth but truth is
never open to any interpretation. An interpretation simply corrupts the thing
and we fail to see what ‘is’. mind can ever see the truth and the absence if the
mind is the real vision of it where there is no idea , no interpretation but
only the knowing. Millions and millions of interpretation have been made on
truth it may be infinite in number but
false. Truth is the presence in the absence of all falsifications whatever
attractive they might be.
Truth was never said, is never
said, can ever be said. All scriptures speak about truth, go on talking about
and about but no scripture has yet been
capable to express it. Neither the Vedas nor the Bible nor the Quran because it
is impossible in the very nature of things to express it. It is not a thing to
be said but to be shown. It cannot be logically proved through language. Where
language fails , silence succeeds.
Truth is the absence of a
presence. It is a thing but present as a void, a nothingness.
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