Monday 17 November 2014

No Idiot ever goes Mad (Published in International journal)

No Idiot ever goes Mad           (Publisnhed In Article,New York)

Dr Sudhansu Kumar Dash
No idiot ever goes mad because to go mad one must have a mind. A genius always walks on the edge of a sword as a  little mistake in the balance will make him fall into an eternal darkness of madness. One of the  most prolific genius that the world has produced perhaps is Nietzsche who had so many insights that he had to change the mode of his writings  and they became aphoristic. The reason is that the insights were crowding in his mind and if he were to write something easy ,the other insights might be forgotten or lost .This is the reason but to have too many insights at the same time is dangerous and would turn one mad.
Nictzsche was confronted with an infinite number of insights. His insight on love is that there is no question of good or evil on love and love is beyond both. Some traditional ways of writings are there  and they have a certain validity as one cannot misinterpret those works. Bertrand Russell in his famous book ‘Principia Mathemetica ‘ has written two hundred sixty five pages on a very simple thing. One can not conceive of it as to how could a man write so many pages just to prove that two plus two is really  four . To write so much on a simple thing Russell has taken all possible consideration, questions and implications into account to exhaust the subject so as to leave nothing for nobody .But Nietzsche had no time as life is too short and his insights were so many. He, therefore write his thoughts in a maxim as “love takes you beyond good and evil “If certainly one loves one must not bother about good or evil.
Nietzche is definitely right, dangerously right  when one looks into the implications of his statement. Long since love is accepted as the synonymous with good and it is beyond any bad as love can never harm, can never be violent. It can never be destructive but Nietzsche is far more right than this traditional interpretation of love To think different is the function of a genius mind, who has thought this that nobody has ever thought, to bring a new glimpse onto the world. The thing is that he has not explained it.
No doubt good and bad are opposite to one another and also that they exist together as light and darkness,  as life and death. If good is thought to be synonymous with love  then evil will certainly follow it like a shadow It is that what happens everywhere, The psycho analysts say one concept called ‘intimate enemy’ which means whomsoever one loves is bound to hate him or her. Nothing unnatural therefore is there about the fighting of the lovers because once one has chosen love  the one part the other part that is the hate must follow it just like two sides of the same coin.
Certainly our so called love is not what Nietzsche means. To him, love is not addressed to anybody in particular. It is just one’s aroma, one’s field of energy a, a perfume around. That love is beyond good and evil, transcending the intrinsic contradiction of the ordinary love. Nietzsche reaching to such height of understanding became mad.
Vincent Van Gogh, one of the great painters of Holland,, produced one of the greatest paintings of the world. One who studies his painting would definitely get puzzled as one cannot figure out his insight into the painting. Gogh painted one hundred years back the stars to be spirals to which others commented him to be tending towards insanity. One hundred years after the modern physicists with all sophisticated instruments discovered the same thing that the stars are spirals what Gogh had with his insight. What could Van Gogh do as he saw the stars  star spirals?
A genius is always ahead of his time, so no common mind could agree with him and therefore thought to be mad. The remains of this great genius is a suicide that we indirectly forced him. He has done no harm to us and the problem lies with us, with our judgment on him .Can we not keep quiet than continuously going on judging others? The same thing happened th Friedrich Nietzsche He was condemned by everybody as he said love is beyond good and evil as people thought that there is something higher than good  that created a crisis for the common man.
Lecturer in English
Shreedhara Swamy college of Education and Technology


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