Dr Sudhansu Kumar
The only fact with a ‘why’ is
that it is always unanswerable. It seems that mind is efficient enough to
answer all the’ whys’, but that is one of the most fallacious assumptions.
Actually, not a single ‘why ‘has ever been answered and all answers of any why
till date are but an illusive reality just a false sense of consolation. If one
persists, one may create an answer but that answer is a created one. It will
not really be an answer because the very questioning itself is absurd. The
Existence ‘is’-no why about it.
The mind asks why. It is always
curious to know the why of everything but one should know that it is a disease
in the mind. It is something which can never be satisfied because when one why
is answered another arises immediately. Every answer only creates another
question, another why and the process continues .The mind is not satisfied
until the ultimate answer is given to it and the fact is that there is no
ultimate answer. By ultimate answer it means mind cannot ask any why anymore.
Pitifully enough this is the whole absurd effort of all philosophies
.Philosophy questions: why this world? Why this life?, and so many questions
.Has a single question yet been answered? Philosophy thinks that it has created
a theory about it .It creates an answer of it that God created it –but why did
God create it? Then again another theory and finally why is God? So Theorizing
the questions goes on in an unending process .This is the only reason why
Philosophies survive.
The first thing to know about
mind is that whys grow out of mind as leaves grow out of the tree. One leaf cut
another comes out .In the same manner one why is answered another why comes out
.The question is why does mind want to know everything? It is because mind is a
murderer of mystreries.It is at ease with anything dead because with anything
alive mind feels uneasy. To make everything certain is a deep urge in mind
because mind is afraid of life. A moment will come when all questionings will
drop not because one has got all answers but because every answer is futile And
then the mystery is total, the existence is total. Then all around –without and
within one is a part of the existence, the mystery .So existence is not a
question to be answered, a problem to be solved, it is a mystery to be dissolved
into. Mind asks why as it has no other way of asking. Once all the whys are
dropped one’s boundaries are destroyed and one becomes empty. Only two
emptinesses can merge with one another perfectly. In no other condition it is
possible. A self can never attend the supreme self rather one is to be a
One who is capable enough to be
empty can only merge and this is the only way to become one with the existence.
One may call it love or prayer or meditation, it makes no difference. This
merging with the emptiness is a rare suicide and the real suicide because one
can kill the body anywhere but one cannot kill the self anywhere.
Lecturer in English
Shreedhara Swamy
college of Education and Technology
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