Monday 17 November 2014

We All seek But What?

Dr Sudhansu Kumar Dash

It is what that we are seeking in this restless world? It is certain that everybody is trying to find some kind of peace, happiness or a refuse into some kind of security. No doubt the search is alright.To get these , one peruses in going from one to the other like different religious organizations or a teacher thinking that the people there can assure him that what he searches.

The fact is that whether one is seeking happiness or a gratification of some kind `from which one hopes to derive happiness. It is a very important thing to be understood not emotionally but intellectually. It is sure that there is a difference between happiness and gratification. Can one seek happiness? Perhaps one can find gratification but one cannot find happiness. Happiness is a by-product of something else,  a derivative, may be a derivative of gratification. So one must give enough attention, thought and care before one gives one ‘mind  and heart to something.AS one carefully and honestly probes into the matter , one could surely come to the conclusion that it is not happiness but gratification that one wants. One wants to be gratified and to find a sense of fullness at the end of the search.

To get happiness one devotes oneself blindly to some kind of cause to an idea and takes shelter there. Definitely this does not solve the problem. One’s isolation in an enclosing idea is not at all the release from the conflict. Being clear of the problem one has to go nowhere, no teacher, no temple, no religious organization. Therefore getting happiness is not one’s problem rather the problem is to be clear in oneself regarding the intention. The clarity of the intention does not come through searching or trying to find out in the sayings of others. One tries to get remedy of the miseries of life in going to others and going to others one remains enclosed in the others ideas.

Certainly we seek something permanent, something everlasting ,something we call real We may name it anything likeGod,Truth etc. it does not matter but it is sure that we search through confusion. We search for something permanent, something we can cling to ,something which will give us assurance a hope or a lasting certainty.

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